Friday, May 2, 2014

Cyber Bullying and its effects

Cyber bullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Cyber bullying occurs the most while the person is attenting school. This can be very sad because the person getting bullied starts missing classes and therefore getting bad grades. Since they chose to stay home, the alcohol and drug use becomes their best friend.

Cyber Bullying is rapidly becoming a major problem. "Although it is less physical than traditional forms of bullying, it can have more devastating, and longer-lasting effects" (Meech) Cyberbullies think that they aren't really bullying because they are not looking at the person face to face, so they think that they are not hurting others. Meech asserts that cyber bullying is worse than physical bullying because it subjects the victim to be humiliated in front of a larger audience which is the internet and everybody can see it. 

There are a variety of reasons of why people bully. Wanting to have the most power and control is perhaps one of the reasons of cyber bullying. Also, family issues can contribute to bullying. In addition, parents should be aware of what they do and say in front of their children because it can have long lasting effect. 

Work Cited 
Meech, Scott "Cyber Bullying: Worse than Traditional Bullying" Educators' eZine. Tech and Learning. May 2007. Web. April 30 2014

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