Spike Lee is a famous film director
whom I remember showing how Brooklyn was in the movie Do the Right Thing. Spike Lee himself grew up in Brooklyn and his
father still lives there. He has strong feelings against gentrification, and
would be considered a very good first person source on a paper discussing said
topic. While at the Pratt Institute someone asked him about the good that
gentrification brings, and he proceeded to give a 7 min speech on the topic.
Due to the fact that he is very anti-gentrification I thought he would be of
good use when writing the cons section of my paper. I tried to also search for
people that were against what Spike Lee specifically to keep this report
unbiased. What I found was that Spike Lee was not so much anti-gentrification
as he was anti-white people moving into these locations. The impressions he
gives is that if minorities were to come and fix up these neighborhood and
raise property values he would be more on board. This was too biased for my
paper and not justified enough. For my paper I tried to keep race out of the
picture because I know that minorities are capable of being a part of gentrification.
Works Cited
watchthis. “.” Video
Youtube. 2014 YouTube, LLC, Feb 26, 2014. Web. March 29,2014
Youtube. 2014 YouTube, LLC, Feb 26, 2014. Web. March 29,2014
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