Rigoberto Alcantara
Would eliminating gun control make the city safer or will there be uncontrollable chaos?
Elibeth Bencosme
Are high prices driving people out of New York City?
Alan Berrios
Is homelessness a growing concern for New Yorkers?
Juan Jose Cabrera
What are the effects on children whose parents push them in sports?
Kevin Casado
Why do we fear the NYPD who are here to "protect serve"?
Isadora Concepcion
What are some of New York City education challenges?
Dalveiry de la Cruz
Is New York as rich as it claims?
Alpha Diallo
Has the New York City bike sharing program been successful?
Salimatou Diallo
What can be done to improve the cleanliness of New York City?
Indiana Guzman
How can we prevent cyber-bullying?
Chanell Haythe
Why was Central Park built?
Rodika Henriquez
Why does New York have so many homeless people?
Josue Hernandez
How does the gentrification of areas in New York City affect the people in the neighborhoods that are being changed?
Gilbert Matos
Are fighting games bad for anyone?
Louis Medina
Why is the Brooklyn Army Terminal an important historic landmark, and why is it a crucial part of New York City's economy?
Jesus Munoz
How has hip-hop had a major effect on the Hispanic/ African American community?
Paola Ortiz
Should the no tolerance policy for weapons In New York City schools be revised?
Gloria Ramirez
Are New York city streets safe?
Sabrina Rodriguez
Is public housing assistance in New York City beneficial or destroying people lives?
Carolyn Santana
Does New York City actually offer better job opportunities than other regions of the United States?
Tawana Stephenson
Where did all of the City housing assistance programs of?
Kevin Uom
How has the rise of greenhouse gases effected our climate in New York City and how can we change it?
Yarisbel Urbaez
How has technology affected teenagers in New York City?
Hennessy Vargas
What are the negative effects of social networking?
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