
Welcome to English 12.
The purpose of the course is to help you continue to improve your reading and writing abilities. We will working on being careful, insightful readers. You will develop your vocabulary, hone your ability to identify an author’s argument, and show your capacity to engage the ideas presented in written texts. We will also work on writing clear, concise, and accurate short essays.

Required text books:
Many of the readings will be handed out in class. You will also be asked to download and print some articles from the Internet. In the midterm and final exams, you will be allowed to use a print dictionary. I recommend you buy a good college-level dictionary, such as American Heritage or Webster’s. Make sure it has at least 800 pages.

Course work
1) In-class work
2) Homework assignments: weekly blog posts
3) Research paper
4) Final exam

Your grade will be an average of three elements:
Blog posts 50%
Research paper 25%
Final exam 25%

You will be graded on your ability to write accurate, grammatically correct, and well-organized papers and blog posts.

Your in-class work also counts toward your final grade. If less than 66% of in-class work is completed, then you can expect to lose 1/3 of a a letter grade (B+ becomes B, B becomes B-, and so on).

Failure to hand in the research paper or to take the final exam will result in an F for the term, no matter how the other grades average out.

At the college level, students are expected to have a mature, organized approach to their course work.
• Arrive on time.
• Attend all classes.
• Keep all your course work in a loose-leaf binder or folder.
• Participate actively.
• Complete all assignments on time.
• Read assigned texts thoroughly before the first day of discussion.
• Ask questions.
• Respect the thoughts and opinions of others.

Absence: Attendance at all classes is expected. I do not give excused absences. You may take up 2 sick days: use them wisely.

Lateness: If you enter the classroom after attendance has been taken, you must sign in on the sheet I will provide.

Late assignments: I offer a one-week grace period for late blog posts, after which I will no longer accept a late post. If you have a specific emergency which has caused you to miss an assignment, please speak to me.

Children: You may not bring your child or children to class for any reason.

Cell phones: Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and put away during class meetings, except when we are using them for a class project.

Plagiarism: Plagiarized work will receive an F.

Official course description of English 12 / Composition and Rhetoric II
Study and application of the principles of organization, rhetoric, and literary analysis; expository writing and research based on thematically linked readings; development of critical thinking. Research paper with MLA documentation required. Prerequisite: ENG 10 or ENG 11. It is highly recommended that Liberal Arts students take ENG 12 before any other English elective.