Friday, May 2, 2014

Impression Management and Cyber Bullying

​Impression Management can be defined as the strategies that we use to communicate by deciding which part of ourselves to reveal. In the movie "Cyber Bully​ A 17-year-old, Taylor, was the main character of the film. Everything started when Kris (Taylor’s mother) gave Taylor a laptop as a birthday gift. She created a webpage in which she was friends to Scott (Taylor’s crush). He then asked Taylor to go to the school dance, and Taylor agreed. When something is very popular, everybody wishes to get it and that’s why Taylor created her Cliquesters page, which is later hacked by Eric (her brother), and that’s how everybody turned up on Taylor. She was being called “whore and slut” and that she was sleeping with guys for five bucks. 

After all the harassment by Lindsey (the girl that bullies Taylor), Scott told Taylor that he couldn’t go with her to the dance. Cyber bully film shows how friendship can be a failure and how it can break up a long lasting relationship. Samantha (Taylor’s best friend) betrayed Taylor by creating a fake identity on Cliquesters as (James), so Taylor would move away from Scott because Samantha thought that he was going to hurt Taylor, since Samantha was dumped by one of his friend. 

Moreover, Taylor posted a video online saying that since everybody hates her, she hated herself too and that she was done. Samantha saw the video and ran towards Taylor which was about to make a suicide. She then tells Taylor that she was the one who created the “James” profile. Taylor attends to a place to get some help; she forgives Samantha which is later the one who’s getting bullied. Taylor, Scott, Samantha and some other characters stood up and made Lindsey stop the bullying.

Work Cited

Booth, Teena "Cyber Bully" July 17 2011.Web. March 22 2014

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