Friday, March 28, 2014


A movie that I enjoyed watching is called Paid in Full.  Paid in Full is a movie that came out in the year 2002; but it reflects a time in Harlem in which the crack epidemic began to affect the community.  The main characters of this movie are named Mitch, Ace Boogie and Rico and they loosely revolve around the lives of 3 notorious Harlem “gangsters”; Rich Porter, Alpo and Azie.  According to a documentary found on called “The Alpo Story”; Rich Porter, Alpo and Azie were three of main drug traffickers in New York City during the 1980’s.  In this movie, Ace Boogie (Azie) is a young adult who lives a regular life but once he sees what the drug life can bring and the fast money he can make he begins to revolve his life around it.  Mitch (Rich Porter) is his best friend, also former drug dealer and when Mitch comes out of incarceration he brings Rico (Alpo) along with him and basically they begin their drug empire that Ace Boogie started up.  As the movie goes along you can begin to notice the rising tension between the partners in terms of who had the most direct contact with the main drug lord and who was actually receiving the most profit.  Eventually Rico betrays Mitch by killing him because he felt as if Mitch wasn’t being honest and letting Rico earn as much money as he could.  Ace boogie finds himself on the bad side of a home invasion conducted by his sisters boyfriend because of jealousy.

The reason I choose this movie although it is not one of the most famous movies about New York City, it does represent what still goes on in New York City urban communities and the overall mindset of what New York City represents.  I observed how at that time people did not really understand nor care about what effects drugs would do to the community.  As long as profit was involved everything was a fair game.  That reflects the capitalist nation that we all live in and become accustom too.  The more money you have, the more power and respect you get from your peers.  Some young kids in the urban community do not have the good idols to look up to.  Instead they look up to drug dealers back then now our community look up to these rap stars and ultimately that is what they equate to success.

Work Cited

Stars, Street. "The Alpo Story (Full Documentary)." YouTube. YouTube, 10 Aug. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

Home away from Home

When I visited Santo Domingo in 2010 I found that is not so different from New York City.  Santo Domingo is the capital of Dominican Republic and is a famous tourist destination.  Many people travel there just to indulge on the scenery or explore all the ends of this provocative city.

It was a hot and sunny day as I walked the avenue on the Caribbean island.  I noticed many familiar things that I also see going on in New York City.  Residents gather outside el colmado like New Yorkers do outside the bodega.  They stop by to chat or even just to refresh with a cold Presidente beer.  The clamorous music is playing in the background and conversations between people are going well. 

If I wanted to get away from the loud environment I could travel to The Columbus Lighthouse museum.  In The Columbus Lighthouse museum you can look at the artifacts from throughout the Americas (Lacey).  Just like in the city of New York, you can escape to many different types of museums.  New York City museums range from children base to different types of ethnicity.

A lot of different things go on in the streets of this Caribbean island.  Many street vendors make a living in Santo Domingo by selling their goods to sightseers.  You see old oxidized trucks parked on the side of the streets with a blanket-like overhead above the fresh picked fruits and vegetables.   Open crippled tables reside on the side walk with different hand crafted souvenirs displayed on it.  And the vendors are all so neighborly and familiar.  Walking down Canal Street in Manhattan is not so different.  It is packed with street vendors selling accessories like purses and fake Rolex watches. 

Although I was far away from home, Santo Domingo was able to make me feel at home.


Work Cited

Lacey, Marc.“36 Hours in Santo Domingo”.New York Times.The New York Times Company.6 Nov 2008.Web.20 Mar 2014.

New York City School Are Failing Our Children

New York City has adapted a new initiative on teaching called the Common Core. With this new teaching technique comes new books and reading material to be distributed. Ps. 106 in Queens has none of that, yet still expect their students to learn this new way of thinking and pass the rigorous standardized test. It’s unfair to the students and teachers. Ps. 106 offers no art or gym. They cram up to 40 students in one class room. What’s worst about the school is they have no leader. The principle of the school is a no show, and when she does show up it’s at the end of the school day (Edelman). The article sheds light on many issues that are happening in that school. The devastating part is that it’s happening all across New York City.
            The Common Core Standard Initiative is a new way of teaching where the student, parent and teacher have a common understand to what the student should know. “Common Core emphasizes deep analysis and creative problem-solving over short answers and memorization” (Hernandez). New York City and 45 other states have taken on the Common Core as their new form of learning. The question is, is it working? New York City test scores have dropped since the change. Educators are saying that the test demand too much from our students. Some parents have gone as far as having their children protest exams.
            Tenure gives teachers a contract for life. These teachers are exempt from getting fired for no reason. In the past tenure was automatic after a certain amount of years working; now you have to earn it. Many unfit teachers have earned their tenure by “time served”. A teacher charged with sexual assault against a student can continue to work because of his tenure. “After all, he lost his job, but not his teaching certificate” (Reeder).
            New York City schools are failing our children. How are they expected to learn if they don’t have the materials, how are the teachers expected to teach if they lack the schooling, how is a school expected to run if it has no leader?

Work citied

Edelman,Susan. “No books, no clue at city’s worst school”. New York Post. NYP Holdings. January 12, 2014. Web. March 28, 2014

Hernandez, Javier and Gebeloff, Robert. “Test Scores Sink as New York Adopts Tougher Benchmarks”.  The New York Times. The New York Times Company. August 7, 2013. Web. March 28, 2014

Reeder, Scott. “Teachers get fired, but don’t leave classroom”.  Hidden Violations.  Small Newspaper Group. N.d. Web. March 28, 2014


Hip Hop Influence on Culture

“What counts as a good source?” Is a question you might ask yourself. You ask yourself many types of questions about the source you chose. Is it credible? Is it something that I can trust and use is it on my paper? Well there are sources I have found three reliable sources that make for a good starting point to read and gain some knowledge about it and help me start my research paper.
            One source I have found was on The New York Times. The article is called “Legal Debate on Using Boastful Rap Lyrics as a Smoking Gun” and it was written by Lorne Manly. I will use this article in my research paper because the article is about a hip-hop artist, who was labeled as a gangster rapper, who used his lyrics to his song “Ride Out” to boast about the double murder he is being charged with (Manly). This is an article I will use because hip hop is having a negative impact on teenagers in the Africa-American and the Latino community.
            A second source I will use in my research paper is an article written on the Global Post by Lori A. Selke called “Does Hip Hop Affect Behavior in Kids.” This is an interesting article because it gives both positives and negatives effects on hip hop. This article will be useful to my research topic because it gives two sides of the hip hop argument; one being hip hop is a bad influence on the youth. The other side being hip hop has a positive impact on the youth (Selke).
            My final source that I will be using is another article by Ronald Roach. The article is called “Decoding Hip-Hop’s Cultural Impact.” This is another great article to use because Roach gives more research on hip hop about the good and bad about it. Roach writes the impact it has on teenagers that listen to hip hop (Roach). It is a great and reliable source because Roach uses professors that are researching this as a source for his article.
Works Cited
·         Manly, Lorne. "Legal Debate on Using Boastful Rap Lyrics as a Smoking Gun." The New York Times. The New York Times, 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.
·         Selke, Lori A. "Does Hip Hop Affect Behavior in Kids." Global Post. Global Post, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
·         Roach, Ronald. "Decoding Hip-Hop's Cultural Impact." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, 22 Apr. 2004. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

NYPD and Urban Community: Forever Damaged?

My research paper for this class will be a look into the relationship between the NYPD and our urban communities.  I will look at different aspects like the stop and frisk policy and earlier events that eventually ruined the relationship between our communities and police force.  I always found it weird that my peers, myself included, feel more nervous when the police are around instead of feeling safer.  Why is it that as soon as we see a police we feel as if they are looking for any reason to stop us and arrest us instead of just trying to stop an ongoing crime? 

My first source that I am looking at is this website called”.  In this website there are two links, “Stop and Frisk Data and NYPD Quarterly reports”.  With this data it shows me the exact numbers of how many people were stopped because of stop and frisk, arrest made, and ethnicity.  This will essentially let me be able to evaluate the numbers see how effective stop and frisk really is.  With the quarterly data starting from 2004, I can be able to see who is more on the receiving end of NYPD “crime solving” in New York City. 

My second source that I found is an article titled, “Judge tosses lawsuit by NYPD whistleblower Craig Matthews who revealed alleged quota system” .  This article will give more of an insight of what goes on with the NYPD side of this situation.  Also it reveals information about the quota system and how that ultimately forces cops to make arrest who some may seem as unnecessary arrest.  This can also lead into me talking about my own experience since I was arrested in the same precinct Craig Matthews previously worked for.  My third source will be personal accounts from willing anonymous officers, and people part of the urban community to give personal accounts of experiences with NYPD, do they think it can be repaired, if so , how?

Work Cited

"NYPD Quarterly Reports | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State." NYPD Quarterly Reports | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State. .NYCLU., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

 "Stop-and-Frisk Data." Stop-and-Frisk Data. NYCLU, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

Schapiro, Richard. "Judge Tosses Lawsuit by NYPD Whistleblower Craig Matthews Who Revealed Alleged Quota System." NY Daily News. New York Daily News, 30 July 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.


Does New York City actually offer better job opportunities than other regions of the United States?

    My research topic is about jobs and opportunities in New York City, throughout my life I've seen how people from different countries and regions leave everything back home, so they can search for a better life in New York. But, I ask myself does New York City actually offer better job opportunities than other regions of the United States? My first source is the website called the department of labor of New York. I strongly believe this site will be a good source because it talks about the unemployment rates in New York. However, this site also talks about what it takes to look for a job.  The New York State department of labor is an equal opportunity employer Program.
    My second source is an article in the New York Times name "Why Americans Emigrate" this article speaks about the economic crisis in the state. I found this article interesting because it goes into details on why people in New York are jobless and struggling into finding a good job. People with degrees are stuck at a 9 to 5 jobs.
   My third source is a site "JOBS IN THE USA" this site is all on why many people see America as the land of opportunity. As I was reading through this site, something caught my eye, this site saids "For many, the move to America may be the best thing they ever did, and these are the people who become successful in their endeavors. For other people, the move to America may become a nightmare, and this will depend under what conditions these people moved to this country." I really believe this because it becomes a matter of personal experience, some work hard and others don't, you have to struggle to be able to succeed.

                                                                      Work Cited

Cuomo,Andrew. Rivera, Peter "New York State’s Economy Grows By Over 12,000 Jobs As Job Count ReachesAnother All-Time High" Web. New York State Department Of Labor N.P March 28,2014

Florida, Richard. Why Americans Emigrate, The New York Times, July 22, 2013, N.P web. March 28,2014

N.A, Why People Move to America,, N.D, N.P, web. March 27,2014

A twisted ending.

  Michael Jordan? Who wouldn't admire a famous basketball player who has tons of New York teens and kids wearing his brand on their feet. Many people think 'shoes' when his last name Jordan is mentioned. It is understandable since his marketing career has lasted longer than his basketball career.

  Honestly, I wouldn't have known who Michael Jordan was if he did not had a marketing career. One of the things that interested me the most about his career path was that he once tried to change his career from basketball to baseball but apparently, it did not work and he went back to his basket.

  I admire people who take risks and are not afraid to try new things. That is inspirational to me. He could do an speech about his life and I would be entertain for hours and hours.

  I remember the first time I heard about Jordan and his fear of water. My instant thought was "so.. he doesn't like to take showers?" I said that to my friends and they all laughed. But as I got home that day, I took time to know the real reason he had a fear of water being such a huge person. "Michael is very afraid of water. As a child, he watched a good friend drown; he almost drown himself when he was 11" (Xaniel). It is understandable. I too was afraid of water and swimming when I almost drowned at the age of seven. I know the feeling of looking at a pool and not wanting to jump in even if is more than a hundred degrees outside. I too know how it feels to almost drown and to watch your friend drown and not being able to do anything.

                                                             WORK CITED

Xaniel "23 Amazing Michael Jordan Facts" Izismile. 6 Feb 2012. Web. 3 Mar 2014.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Beware of the Social Networks

         My research topic is about the negative effects of social networking. I have found three good sources to use and one of them is an article titled “The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals”. This article will help shed light on my paper because it points out the main effects on social networking that I will mention in my paper like cyber-bullying, a false sense of connection, decreased productivity and privacy. The article separates these effects into different sections and briefly discusses how each effect is negative.
         The second source is titled “The Dangers of Social Networking Sites”. This article discusses how social networking has dramatically changed the way people interact with each other. It demonstrates how these social networks influence our maturity level, health and behavior towards other people. This article always points out that these social networks can negatively affect a person’s chances of getting a job or possibly sabotage the appearance of the company the person is working for. The article discusses possible dangerous scenarios like people harassing one another and much more.
         The third source is titled “Negative Effects of Social Media”. This article establishes that these social networks make it easier for teenagers to be bullied online. Social networks allow everybody who is “friends” with the victim to see the person being bullied. Social networks also allow bullies to make up a fake account and bully people, so the victims wont know the bully’s true identity. The article also touches the false of connection social networks create. People are so focused on their relationships on social networks that they don’t know how to distinguish real life relationships. 

works cited

Bates, Chelsea.“The Dangers of Social Networking Sites”. Commonplace Because You Say So. Autumn 2009. Web. The McGraw-Hill Companies. March 27, 2014.

Kincel, Ashlie. “Negative Effects of Social Media”. October 27, 2013. Web. n.p. March 27, 2014.

Jung, Brian. “The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals”. N.p. Hearst Newspaper. N.d web. March 27, 2014.

Climate change (research)

 My first source is from a website. It is an article about how greenhouse gases are affecting New York City. This source specifically list how greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide has trapped heat in our environment. It also list some effects that have happened in New York already. For example, New York has had a rapid annual temperature increase since the 1970s(Climate change). Also, there has been an increase in sea levels along the coast lines, almost a foot increase(Climate change). This source is reliable because it come directly from a government website.

My second source is from The article, “Will climate change destroy New York city?”, is about how New York City will become in the next few years. It states that continuous increase of greenhouse gases will drastically change our environment and climate. If climate change continues we would not be safe in our city. We would face increase rain, heat, and flooding(Marc Lallanilla). The article also talks about how we can make the city a safer place during the events of things such as flooding and storms.

My third source is from The Huffington Post. This article is called “ Climate change in NYC: Mayor Bloomberg to Discuss Prepping City for Warming World.” This article is about what Mayor Bloomberg proposed to do to minimize damage to the city. Bloomberg planned to make the city a safer place during a storm. He proposed flood walls to prevent floods around New York City's coast line(Christopher Mathias). Bloomberg said that we have to start preparing the city for more storms. He did not want another disaster like Super Storm Sandy.( Christopher Mathias).

Works Cited

"Climate Change in New York Impacts Are Already Happening, but It's Not Too Late."Climate Change in New York. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Lallanilla, Marc. "Will Climate Change Destroy New York City?"LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 19 June 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Mathias, Christopher. "Climate Change In NYC: Mayor Bloomberg To Discuss Prepping City For Warming World."The Huffington Post., 11 June 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Homelessness in NYC

        Homelessness is a growing concern as more and more people are falling into the poverty level and are becoming a statistic. These three web sources will prove that homelessness is a big topic for New Yorkers and should not be left in the shadows of discussion.

         According to coalition for the homeless they are stating that "homelessness in NYC has reached its highest levels since the great depression." This website is excellent for showing statistics and historical data about homelessness. They seem to be a legit website with trustable information and reliable sources. There rich facts are essential for the research paper.
         NYC Department of Homeless Services is another good website that helps to exploit the growing problem and also its shows what we can do to fix this issue as well as help the people who are homeless. This website helps to actually reach out to people in need as opposed to the first source that just gives statistics about homelessness. It even has a section where you can help the homeless as well.

        In this third web page we have an editorial which gives some opinion about the dilemma in our city including some sources in the article. This is a news article so it has factual information as well and gives concrete facts about our cities goals and plans for combatting homelessness.

"Battling homelessness in NYC" The New York Times Dec 13, 2013 The New York Times Company. Web March 27, 2014

"Basic facts about homelessness" Coalition for the homeless N.D coalition for the homeless Web March 27 2014 N.P N.D  Department of Homeless Services WEB March 27 2014

Clean New York

New York City is known for so many things. Most people come to visit New York to see our beautifully city and take pictures for memories. There is so much about New York City, from beautifully parks to nice museums and big movie threats, we have so much going on  In this  city . Our city has so much Opportunities and you can achieve so much because there is so much inspiration among us. We need to take care of our beautifully city because New York is also known for its dirty streets and poor sanitation.  During my research I have found three sources that discuss about the dirt streets of New York and what is being done to clean our city.
   People come to New York everyday from other places to visit our city and see what our city is about, especially the tourist who comes from all over the world .  According to the Article on New York times (Stephen Brown and Elizabeth Lazarowitz )  New York has city has been named the direst out of 35 American metropolitan areas by the out of Towners. As a New Yorker I am already Exposed to seeing our streets dirt so I am not surprised, Most of the Tourist stated that our city has a urine odor and when they walk outside They often  complained about  garbage’s piled up on the sidewalks which to them is something they don’t normal see in their town. Although the city cleanliness is improving according to (Stephen, Elizabeth) the sanitation department rated our streets a 95% of cleanliness and that showed that it has improved from the way it was in 1970.
   New York has changed in a lot of ways, despite the fact that our city is dirty; we do have some generous people who have good intentions and hope for  the city. According to the Article “trying to clean up New York" the Author (Gail Robinson) stated that there are people whom are taking actions in cleaning the streets. Albert and Jesus Negron are two young men who goes out to the streets in the early mornings to sweep the streets, empty litters and make sure everything outside is in order. I was surprised to discoverer that people are really considered about the city and its reputations. I rarely see people in my area clean up the streets unless they are the landlord and it’s their duties to clean the buildings and mop the stairs otherwise they won’t bother to do so.
    New York City will be clean if we cooperate more often and care for our city like we care for our personally items. I think New York has all the affordable tools and resources to help ease the cleaning process faster because in New York there is enough money to hire more sanitation workers to pick up the garbage’s. In the Article  “Cleaning the Streets of New York “The City reformer and Chamberlain in 1914 stated that New York “Spends seven million dollars a year on Cleaning its Streets and carrying garbage’s and ashes.” In order for our city to be clean we must come together  to clean the streets and make it better place to live.
Work Cited:
Stephen Brown, Elizabeth Lazarowitz. “Filthy truth! New York named dirtiest U.S City by tourist:”Report.  New York Daily News. September 17, 2012. Web March 27, 2014
Elizabeth, Robilotti. “CLEANING THE STREETS OF NEW YORK. Living city  N.D. Web March 27, 2014
Gail, Robinson.” Trying to Clean Up New York”. August 16, 2004. Web March 27,2014

Not Just Any Park

            As a little kid I would always want to go to this pacific park. I called it the “popular park”, because you will always find someone in it no matter the time. The park meant something to me because this is where my family would have their events; birthday parties, cookouts, get together and so on. In the summer time I would always go to the Lasker Pool, located at 110th Street and Lenox Avenue that’s in central park. I was only allowed to go a certain distance in the park, not that I was thinking to go any further than I was allowed to go, It never came to me how big the park was. It wasn’t Intel I got older that I realized that central park is not this “little oh park” I through it was.

            Central Park is from 59th Street to 110th Street. There’s so much you can do in central park, for example if your into working out you can do that, jogging the most common thing that everybody do go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air. Enjoy the environment meet new people and explore. What a lot of people don’t know is that before Central Park was built Eighth Avenue and 82nd Street Seneca Village had been one of the city’s most stable African-American settlements. There were three churches and a school also Irish pig farmers and German gardeners at the time (Elizabeth Blackmar, 2004). Which I seem to find inserting, who would have known that people use to live here in tents and farms were made here. Central Park was in vision by the Great Park in London and Paris. A design by Frederic Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux (Central Park).

Since the 1890’s changed in the park had been largely incremental: the museums got bigger, new entrances were opened and paths introduced, the casino was renovated and expanded, rules were loosened, tennis courts paved, new sports permitted, speed limits increased, status added, and more peddlers licensed (Roy Rosenzweig, 1992). Everything in the park had changed and you now had to follow the rules of the park. Central park to day is open from 6am to 1am. The park hours gives you more than enough time to enjoy yourself, also you can receive a fine if you are in the park during the hours their not open. With that being said Central Park is a great place and you will surly enjoy your time there.


                                                                     Work Cited

“History.”CentralPark.Com.Greensward Group,2004-2014.Web 27 March 2014.

“Central Park”A View on Cities.Web 27 March 2014

“A History of Central Park.”The Park and the People.Cornell University Press, 1992 Book 27 March 2014



How Has Technology Affected Teenagers In New York City?

              Technology has affected teenagers in many ways in New York City and to prove it, I chose 3 online newspaper articles that discuss the different ways that the use of technology has changed teenagers.
  According to Digital dementia: The memory problem plaguing teens and young adults “A recent study from South Korea found that individuals who rely heavily on technology may suffer a deterioration in cognitive abilities such as short term memory dysfunction which is called Digital Dementia”. In the article, Dr. Carolyn Brockington from St. Luke’s Roosevelt Medical Center in New York City stated “The problem is that we’re using technology, which is good, but we’re overusing in many ways, we’re not relying on our brains to sort of retrieve the information when we need it.” This article by Fox News proves that the overuse of technology can lead to memory loss for teenagers and worse health problems in the future.
“There is a widespread belief among teachers that students’ constant use of digital technology is hampering their attention spans and ability to persevere in the face of challenging tasks” according to Matt Richtel, the author of the article “Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say”. In this article teachers were surveyed about the use of technology and most agreed that technology is not allowing students to focus well on their tasks. According to Melissa McNamara, the author of Teens Are Wired ... And, Yes, It's OK “New York City, the nation's largest school system, banned cell phones in schools last month because the mayor said they are a distraction, are used to cheat, take inappropriate photos in bathrooms and organize gang rendezvous”. McNamara also discusses how the parents of teenagers respond to the use of technology and what major cities have banned the use of cellphones in schools.

Work Cited
“Digital Dementia: The Memory Problem Plaguing Teens and Young Adults”. Fox News. 15 Aug. 2013. Fox News Network LLC. Web. 27 March 2014.

Richtel, Matt. “Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say”. The New York Times. 1 Nov. 2012. The New York Times Company. Web. 27 March 2014.

McNamara, Melissa. “Teens Are Wired… And, Yes, It’s Ok”. CBS News. 9 June 2006. CBS Interactive Inc. Web. 27 March 2014.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Prince in Queens

Coming to America is a popular movie starring Eddie Murphy. One of My favorite childhood Movies filmed in New York City. This Movie Captured the Spirit of New York City. The Movie was filmed in Queens in 1988. Coming to America Captured the lifestyle of New Yorkers and the languages used in the streets of New York. While watching this Movie as young girl I had no idea how life in America was. Despite all the beautifully buildings shown in  the movies, I though New York was a glamorous place to live until I saw Coming to America which captured many different places in New York besides the tall buildings in Manhattan.

"Coming to America" is a Movie about a Prince who Migrates from Africa to The United States. Prince Akeem Mission was to find a bride to Marry. He was tired of being pampered by his Parents and the Servants. Akeema wanted to be Independent and be able to make his own choices. In the Movie The character Akeema decided to act like he was a Poor Student who is here only for school. Although he was a rich Prince he didn't want his true identity revealed because he wanted to find true love, someone who can love him for who he is and not for his status as a Prince. Akeema and his friend decided to rent a Apartment in Queens and live like normal people. They decided to get a Job at a local Restaurant known as McDonald, while working at the restaurant Akeema the Prince falls in love with his boss daughter Lisa.

  The film coming to America showed how life in New York really is. Despite the fact that people really do find true love.  I realized the way the Media portrays the looks of New York City was different from what this Movie displayed. The Movie Captured the dirtiest places in New York and the ugliest old buildings. The film also Captured how Some people in New York steal and curse in the streets; it showed what life in New York really was on a daily basic, high crime rates and poor people out in the streets without homes in the cold weather. Even though most of the Movie scene displayed the negative looks on New York City, the movie is very popular and According The Author  (Lacy Langley) there were  talks about the remake of the movie "Coming to America but Eddie Murphy has Clarified there will be No Remake of "Coming to America  because of  fear of lawsuits.
Work Cited
Langley Lancy ,Eddie Murphy :No Remake of "Coming to America"  November 21, 2013 Web March 24,2014


More than a century after it sank in the Atlantic Ocean, Titanic story continues to fascinate many people around the world.  I am one of them. In 1912, the most luxurious ship at the time departed from Great Britain to New York City. Sadly not all the passengers were able to make it to New York.  The story of the Titanic sinking was not known to all of us until 1997 when a movie based on the story was produced.  Titanic story involved Wealth, love and tragedy. That is why the movie was fascinating and very successful.  According to Stuart Elliott who has been an advertising columnist of the New York Times since 1991, “THE surprising success of ‘Titanic’ is already rewriting the rules of Hollywood film making.  Now it may be also rewriting the rules of movie marketing” (Elliott).

When the movie was published, it captivated the entire world. I remembered when for the first time, I watched it.  As I was very young, I was more captivated by the love story of the movie. To me, Jack ( a character of the movie) and Rose(a character of the movie as well) were able to demonstrate that love can triumph over wealth.  Even though Jack was not rich, he was very seductive and he was successful in taking away Rose from her fiancée (movie’ scenes). Those  scenes showing a young poor man taking away a very beautiful young lady from her rich fiancée were appealing to many of my friends.

After I watched the movie many times, the love story of the film started fading on my mind.  I started being overwhelmed by the tragedy that took place after the ship hit the Ice Berg and started sinking. I started bringing into tears when I watched the end of the movie. When the ship broke up into two parts, passengers were trying to reach the life boats in order to survive in the very cold water. Sadly, only few of the passengers survived and made the journey to New York (movie ‘scenes).
                                                             Work cited

Stuart Elliot, “THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING; the success of ‘Titanic’ has marketers scrambling to create product tie-ins”. February 18, 1998. web. March 23, 2014.