Thursday, March 6, 2014

Visiting the Dominican Republic

 There are many Dominicans currently living in New York City and according to the “Population Facts”, “More Dominicans live in New York than any other city in the world barring Santo Domingo. New York City is very different to the Dominican Republic”; therefore I do not know what Dominicans find so interesting about the city. New York City never sleeps, everything in New York City is always moving and nothing ever shuts down but in the Dominican Republic there are blackouts daily that can last from several minutes to hours. The weather in the Dominican Republic is always warm but New York City’s weather changes four times a year.

 New York City is much diversified, no matter where you go there are different types of people but in the Dominican Republic you don’t really see people from different cultures unless you visit a resort. In the Dominican Republic, everywhere you go you hear music, people drink outside and celebrate outside. Most people are always sitting on their front porch either relaxing or just selling food. Everyone is always up early and there are different smells of food everywhere you go. The Dominican Republic is also very different to New York City because the laws aren't as strict, the crime rate is very high and many criminals aren't punished because it is easy to bribe the authority. When teenage boys fight in the Dominican Republic, they mostly fight with machetes right in the middle of the streets and they get away with it.

 However, the beaches in the Dominican Republic are always clean and clear and all over the beaches there are offers to go on rides around the ocean on small boats. There are also many clean rivers where people actually bring their own shampoo and soap to shower because the water is so clean. Although the Dominican Republic might seem relaxing not everything is perfect, there are bumpy roads, crazy drivers, the best places to stay when on vacation are the resorts because everything is safer. New York City has barely anything in common to the Dominican Republic, I believe New York City is a great place to live and the Dominican Republic is just a great place for vacationing.

Work Cited
“Population Facts” NYC Planning. n.d. The City Of New York. Web. 6 Mar, 2014

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