Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Place Easily Forgotten

                There are some places that you go to and remember everything good that happened. Then there are places hat you forget completely because of how bad it was. It turns out that I have lived in another city and have seen what it has to offer. I went there in 2006 for college, Binghamton University, for computer engineering. I went there for two years and did not do so well, and then I chose not to try to go back there. I turned away from college for a while till I came to BCC. This is a hard town to live in with the ever changing weather and buses that only come once an hour. This was not biggest reason to turn away from this place, it was the racism.
                I remember hearing that the KKK had there headquarters there for the state of New York, but the worst part about that was hearing that years ago they had it in their pamphlets they showed to people who wanted to visit. They listed certain things that happened in the area "the K.K.K. reference is sandwiched between the merger of two villages in 1921 and the renaming of C.T.R. Company..."No one would list something that they were not proud of. I'm pretty sure Braunau am Inn, would not have a sign that said birthplace of Hitler, if they weren't proud of that. They said that this mention was something placed there that happened like natural disasters, like as it was just some little story of things that occurred. They do not include a rise of other organization created to counter the KKK, these held no importance to their history it seems.
                Living in Binghamton was not easy with the subtle racism, and lack of minorities living there. I can remember going to a place to eat, being the only Hispanic in the room, and having children look at me while I ate like some zoo animal. I can remember someone comment that they did not like Binghamton's Hispanic fraternity because so many people were speaking only "Mexican."My first year there had no problems, this was mainly because I lived on campus, and never really ventured into the actual city. I lived off-campus sophomore year and had to deal with so many people looking at me weird just cause of the way I looked. I would not recommend going to visit Binghamton if you are a minority, as I have heard from people that there are still racial problems up there.

Works Cited
"Ku Klux Klan Reference Deleted From Pamphlet" The New York Times.
The New York Times Company. September 12, 1993. Web March 12, 2014

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