Thursday, March 27, 2014

Climate change (research)

 My first source is from a website. It is an article about how greenhouse gases are affecting New York City. This source specifically list how greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide has trapped heat in our environment. It also list some effects that have happened in New York already. For example, New York has had a rapid annual temperature increase since the 1970s(Climate change). Also, there has been an increase in sea levels along the coast lines, almost a foot increase(Climate change). This source is reliable because it come directly from a government website.

My second source is from The article, “Will climate change destroy New York city?”, is about how New York City will become in the next few years. It states that continuous increase of greenhouse gases will drastically change our environment and climate. If climate change continues we would not be safe in our city. We would face increase rain, heat, and flooding(Marc Lallanilla). The article also talks about how we can make the city a safer place during the events of things such as flooding and storms.

My third source is from The Huffington Post. This article is called “ Climate change in NYC: Mayor Bloomberg to Discuss Prepping City for Warming World.” This article is about what Mayor Bloomberg proposed to do to minimize damage to the city. Bloomberg planned to make the city a safer place during a storm. He proposed flood walls to prevent floods around New York City's coast line(Christopher Mathias). Bloomberg said that we have to start preparing the city for more storms. He did not want another disaster like Super Storm Sandy.( Christopher Mathias).

Works Cited

"Climate Change in New York Impacts Are Already Happening, but It's Not Too Late."Climate Change in New York. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Lallanilla, Marc. "Will Climate Change Destroy New York City?"LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 19 June 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Mathias, Christopher. "Climate Change In NYC: Mayor Bloomberg To Discuss Prepping City For Warming World."The Huffington Post., 11 June 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

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