Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beautiful beaches or man made concrete

            As a fellow New Yorker I see New York as a concrete jungle of flashing lights. Were the people are typically rude and pretty straight forward. Where the American dream became a hunt for a job, that later becomes a never ending cycle of a rat race. New York were the winter feels like a never ending season, were its all work and no play. This city has its up’s and downs just as any other city, but where is the fun, Beside a walk through central park, or a visit to the empire state building, or even a visit to the statue of liberty. In addition its expensive attractions that mostly appears in the summer and entertainment that glues you to your television. Where are the beaches and natural landscapes?  
              As I take my yearly vacation to Santo Domingo, first thing I see are the shallow turquoise-colored waters and feel the ‘tropical climate that maintains a state of “eternal summer” and maintains an average temperature of 82 degrees (’. In Santo Domingo there is always something to do, just like New York but once the winter gets there no one goes outside in their right mind. Santo Domingo is one of the greatest cities where there are beaches and beautiful natural landscape, were the people are friendly with great hospitality. Where baseball is a national hobby, where in fact it had the Americas first hospital, two-story residence and university as well as its oldest surviving church (, in addition it’s a great Touristic city and most know for its beautiful beaches like Boca Chica, La caleta and much more. Its also know for it beautiful waterfront called "El Malecon" that attracts lot of tourist.
               In my opinion New York is a great city to create financial stability, to create a career but when it comes to living life, having fun spending time with your family and friends, drinking a little or a lot of beers “Presidente or Brahama” to be straight forward Santo Domingo is the best city for that. 

                                                        Work cited :

Santo Domingo guide introduction. , Enforex S.L., N D, Web, 3/6/2014

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