My research topic is about jobs and opportunities in New York City, throughout my life I've seen how people from different countries and regions leave everything back home, so they can search for a better life in New York. But, I ask myself does New York City actually offer better job opportunities than other regions of the United States? My first source is the website called the department of labor of New York. I strongly believe this site will be a good source because it talks about the unemployment rates in New York. However, this site also talks about what it takes to look for a job. The New York State department of labor is an equal opportunity employer Program.
My second source is an article in the New York Times name "Why Americans Emigrate" this article speaks about the economic crisis in the state. I found this article interesting because it goes into details on why people in New York are jobless and struggling into finding a good job. People with degrees are stuck at a 9 to 5 jobs.
My third source is a site "JOBS IN THE USA" this site is all on why many people see America as the land of opportunity. As I was reading through this site, something caught my eye, this site saids "For many, the move to America may be the best thing they ever did, and
these are the people who become successful in their endeavors. For other
people, the move to America may become a nightmare, and this will
depend under what conditions these people moved to this country." I really believe this because it becomes a matter of personal experience, some work hard and others don't, you have to struggle to be able to succeed.
Work Cited
Cuomo,Andrew. Rivera, Peter "New York State’s Economy Grows By Over 12,000 Jobs As Job Count ReachesAnother All-Time High" Web. New York State Department Of Labor N.P March 28,2014
Florida, Richard. Why Americans Emigrate, The New York Times, July 22, 2013, N.P web. March 28,2014
N.A, Why People Move to America,, N.D, N.P, web. March 27,2014
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