Friday, February 28, 2014

Nothing Like New York City

                        Bright lights, Tall builds, Full of excitement, Never sleep; sounds like New York to me. New York is not a hard place to learn, and if your out going you can get to enjoy the city. Everything that you want and need you probably wont need a car to get there. There are groceries stores on every corner if not every three to four blocks, depending where you live at. A school next to every community also hospital fire station. If a person don't have a car that's ok, there is other transportation such as trains which other states don't have. There's also buses and cabs that drive around all day. On a regular weekday a person probably wont have to call a cab to pick them up, they would probably would be able to flag one. Especially in the city because it never sleeps.
                        New York City is a place for opportunity. People come to New York to change their lives, and to make a better life for them selves. According to Editors Choice New York City had a record 52million people visit in 2012 two years ago. Editors Choice also  said "tourism generated $55.3 billion in economic impact." New York City is a beautiful place to be there's museums full of history, and great hang out spots, and most of what some tourist don't leave with out seeing is the Empire State building. The Empire state building is a beautiful sight when you go up to the top and its an experience a person wont forget.
                         A person who lived in New York City for a long period of time might not find New York City that amazing and interesting, As for as other's who come from a different state or country. Most of the time that's how it always is, For instance there's people who live in Vegas and might think its just a regular place. But to people who never been there or going just to visit might find it to be amazing and a one in a life time experience. Just as the tourist people who come to New York City.

Work Cited
CNN Travel staff, "New York sees record number of tourists in 2012." 1st January,2013. LLC Web. Turner Broadcasting System. inc. LLC Web. 2013.

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